I've documented photographs of these students prior to their one year showcase and I was taken back by the absolute passion and skill of these dancers.
Their teachers are nothing short of impressive.
When I walked into The Dance Loft I was greeted with a warm welcome, a professional nature and an excitement for dance. Most of all I felt that the expression of honouring the "self" within the world of dance lives here, at the Dance Loft. If you follow this link it will take you to a collection of images I captured before their one year showcase : http://www.joanneschwindtphotography.com/tdl-gallery
The images I am sharing with you here are only a few of the many beautiful moments I shared with these dancers during their one year showcase.
For more information about the dance loft please visit their website at: https://www.thedanceloft.net/
If I could turn back time and had the chance to learn to dance all over again, I, without hesitation would want to be a part of this dance school. There are no limits here at The Dance Loft, where self-expression is linked with a passion for dance and incredible skills to follow.

Love: JO xooxo