I love that I get to walk into various wonderful family homes and capture their life, truthfully as it were during that moment in time. I know that when they look back at the photographs I've captured a few months after I've been there, or a year after I've been there and longer, their emotions change with each glance, each memory.
I know this because when I look back at my own photos my feelings change based on how long it's been since that photograph was taken. I have to say that each time I look at my own family photos I feel thankful that I took the images that I had at that time. It can get tricky because I have a lot of photographs! I say why not, as long as you can organize them. I put each month in a desktop folder on two external hard drives and then print off my favourites and put them in an album, old school.
If you ever wonder about bringing your camera or snapping that photograph, don't hestiate, do it! Just make sure to keep life balanced so that you aren't always behind a lens or a device but that you are actually experiencing the moment too. There is a great app called: chatbooks which makes creating an album from your digitial device images so easy. Simply, from your iPhone or mobile device you can link the chatbooks application to any of your social media accounts or also create a folder on your mobile phone/device selecting the photos you want and then uploading them to the chatbooks app. I love it! If you haven't already downloaded this app or tried it please do! You won't regret it and you won't have that heavy feeling that is defined by you wondering what to do with all of your mobile phone or device photographs besides uploading them to facebook or instagram and other social media sites. I make sure the photos I love on my phone don't get forgotten but are officially in print.
The photos of this family are special and will also be in print. I have been passing the chatbook word along onto as many people as I can, including mentioning it to this family.
Lastly, this family photo session was lovely for so many reasons. I've grown with this family right from the beginning. Capturing images of Amy and Jeff pregnant, then being their when Leo was a newborn and continually being a part of their family portrait sessions. I love that I too, get to share in these special moments, getting to know each of them at different stages of their lives in various memories. The light, the love, the energy that moved throughout this family's home that day was beautiful. Once they saw their photos they were in love with each one of them. I also know, that they love looking back at my photos and are so grateful I was there, camera-ready. Amy has mentioned that she loves my work and that she is amazed at the results because of the calm, relaxed and fun energy that is felt during my photo sessions. It feels effortless on their part. I know for a fact that having your clients relax and have fun is the best way to capture beautiful images that are real. I love real moments. You can never get real back.
I love you Amy, Leo and Jeff. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the memory that is your family.
Captruing the moment is a true teasure on any device.
Love: Jo xooxxoxo